#haysweaterKAL: Knit a Hay Sweater with me!

After years of knitting alone, I took part in my first KAL a couple of years ago. Before that, I saw no point in knitalongs. I didn't like being restricted in what I wanted to knit and I dreaded the idea of knitting to a deadline. Knitting is supposed to be fun - why put all these rules on it?!

But when Karen Templer of Fringe Association launched her #fringeandfriendsimprovKAL, my interest was peaked and my thoughts on KALs changed forever!

Knitalongs: Your Favourite Online Knitting Group

I soon realised that KALs can feel like your favourite knitting group: a friendly community who motivates and inspires you to continue. If you get stuck, there are always people to help and in many cases, the designer is there to talk you through any tricky bits. I have made friends in online knitalongs that have become firm friends in real life!

#haysweaterKAL: Join me!

Having taken part in a couple of KALs now, I've been waiting for the perfect time to host one of my own. I've been planning on knitting myself another, more "everyday", Hay sweater, so now that I've released Hay as a single pattern, I'd love for you to join me as I cast on!

In this video, I talk about Hay, showing you my original sample and highlighting its special details. I also share my plans for my next Hay sweater - it's VERY different to my first one! Finally, I give you all the details you need to join the #haysweaterKAL. Click play to watch!

Finer Details

The #haysweaterKAL starts TODAY, so you can pick up a copy of the pattern and start deciding on yarn whenever you're ready. (Psst! Scroll to the bottom of this post for a discount...)


I want this to be a fun and relaxed experience, so there is no firm end date to this KAL. I plan to give out prizes to three lucky winners on the 10th July 2018, however, you don't have to have a completed sweater by that date to be eligible for a prize.

I understand that life gets in the way meaning that we can get behind on our projects. I don't want you to stress about meeting a deadline - I just want you to enjoy participating in this wonderful community we have built together.

The Sister Mountain Community

The hub for our knitalong will be our brand new Facebook group! This is where we can share photos, ask questions and generally get excited about the KAL.

I also hope it will be a place to get to know you all a little more personally by having discussions and cheering you on, day-to-day, whether you're taking part in the KAL or not! Head on over to The Sister Mountain Community on Facebook to join - you are all so welcome there.

You can also post about the KAL on Instagram using the hashtag #haysweaterKAL. This makes it easy for other people participating in the KAL to find you and show your project some love. 

Are WIPs allowed?

Yes. As long as your WIP is no more than 25% completed, I would be delighted to have you join our KAL!

Get 20% off Hay until Sunday!

To celebrate Hay's release as a single pattern (and to kick off our KAL!) I'm giving you 20% off Hay using the coupon code HAY20. You've got to act quickly though - the coupon code expires at midnight BST on Sunday 22 April 2018! Go buy the pattern now and get swatching!