Posts tagged knitwear design
Swatching 101: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginner Knitting Pattern Designers

In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of in-depth swatching by breaking down its many practical advantages and illustrating how it can help you refine your design skills, one stitch at a time. In doing so, you'll overcome design challenges, gain confidence, and develop a better relationship with your creative vision.

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How to Recreate an Old Sweater You Love

Have you ever had a sweater that you loved, but after many years of wear, it finally fell apart? Or did the dreaded moths get to it whilst you were storing it? Whatever the reason, if there's an old sweater out there that you're mourning, don't despair! In this blog post, I will share my top tips for recreating an old sweater you love.

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Why You Should Learn Top-Down Sweater Construction

Top-down construction is an essential skill all sweater designers should have. It’s also a bit polarising in the knitting pattern design world. Some people love it, and some absolutely hate it! But whichever camp you fall into, including top-down sweaters in your pattern offerings is a sensible choice. If you are reluctant to learn sweater construction from the top down, it’s actually holding you back as a knitting pattern designer.

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How to Follow Through On Your Design Ideas and Finally Release Your First Knitting Pattern

There are lots of reasons why knitters struggle with following through on releasing their first knitting pattern, including confusion, frustration, lack of time or accountability. In this blog post, I will share the tips I’ve used to overcome those hurdles and get my knitting pattern designs out there so that you can do that too!

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How to Choose What Yarn to Use in Your Knitting Pattern Design

The early stages of designing a knitting pattern can be so much fun, but once you’ve got that design idea visualised, how do you find the perfect yarn to use? In this blog post, I’m going to tell you why your yarn choice matters, what makes a good yarn choice and some factors to consider when choosing a yarn for your knitting pattern designs.

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How to Know Whether You're Ready to Design your First Sweater

There’s something about designing sweaters that puts the fear in every new knitting pattern designer. So many calculations! So much grading! Am I even ready for this?! It’s understandable that you feel nervous about tackling a sweater design! But that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re not ready yet. In this blog post, I’m going to share three indicators that suggest you are ready to design your first sweater pattern.

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How to Structure Your Knitting Pattern Design Process

The knitting pattern design process is a long one. It can span several months, so no wonder it feels intimidating! How do you figure out what your next step is? In this blog post, I will show you exactly how I structure my knitting pattern design process, so that you can use it as a template for your own. After this, I guarantee that your next knitting pattern design project is going to feel like a breeze!

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