Posts in Design Process
Why Your Yarn Choice Can Make or Break Your Knitting Pattern Design

The yarn you choose for your new knitting pattern can either play the hero or the villain when it comes to the outcome of your project. In this blog post, I’m going to explain why you need to put a lot of thought and consideration into the yarn you design your new knitting pattern in, as well as give you some tips on how to find the perfect match for your pattern.

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How to Turn an Improvised Design into a Knitting Pattern

Readers of this blog will know that I always recommend that designers write their first knitting pattern draft before they start knitting their sample, but what if you have already improvised your design? Well, that’s what I will teach you in this blog post. Whether you took notes whilst knitting (which is ideal!) or didn’t track anything, there is always a way of writing your pattern based on your improvised sample. Let’s jump in!

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What Comes First: Swatching or Sketching?

If you’re a new designer in the early stages of creating a new knitting pattern, you’ve probably wondered whether you should swatch or sketch first? In this blog post, I break down the design development stage of the knitting pattern process, sharing what has worked for my students and me, plus I will teach you how to know exactly what strategy will work best for you.

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How to Design Your First Knitting Pattern

You’re fantastic at knitting from someone else’s knitting pattern, but when it comes to designing your own from scratch, where do you even start? In this detailed guide, I’m going to show you how to break the design process down into simple, manageable steps that will help you to finally publish your first knitting pattern design.

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How to Write a Pattern Draft Before Knitting the Sample

There are so many benefits to writing your pattern draft before knitting the sample, but how do you know what to write without actually knitting it first? In this blog post, I’m going to break the whole process down for you, explaining why you might want to write your knitting pattern first, as well as tell you how to actually do it.

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3 Systems That Make Knitting Pattern Design Easier

Whether you’re a newbie at design or a seasoned professional, you all need systems around your design process. Systems help you to become more efficient so that you can spend more time designing and releasing knitting patterns, rather than trying to figure out what you should be doing next. In this blog post, I will share 3 systems I use to help make knitting pattern design feel easier and less overwhelming.

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