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Why You’re Not Following Through on Your Knitting Pattern Design Ideas

How many great design ideas have you had that you never followed through on? If it’s a lot, you’re not alone. This happens to most knitting pattern designers, especially when you’re just getting started!

Some might chalk it up to a lack of motivation, but I don’t agree with that. Most of the time, you don’t have a problem with motivation. Your problem is with execution!

Ideas are wonderful, but if you never execute on the design ideas you desperately want to bring to life, you will always be disappointed.

There are several reasons why knitting pattern designers don’t follow through on their design ideas. In this blog post, I will explain why and suggest ways that you can move forward.

You are intimidated by the design process

This is common and super valid. The world of knitting pattern design can feel daunting and complex to those who haven’t done it before. You don’t know what you don’t know, right?

If you’d like an overview of what the design process looks like, I wrote a three-part blog series on it a few years ago that covers how to design and release your own knitting patterns.

If it’s the technical side of knitting pattern design that bewilders you, I have written several blog posts that walk designers through the more complex, mathematical part of the design process.

And if, like many people, it’s just getting started that is your biggest issue, I’ve got you covered. In this blog post, I give you the exact steps you need to take to get started. Having a plan to follow makes it so much easier to get started.

It’s not fun anymore

Like many things, the knitting pattern design process is fun...until it’s not fun! There are parts of the design process that will light you up and fill you with excitement and there will be parts that stress you out or bore you to tears. That doesn’t mean you should give up on your ideas.

It takes a long time to design and publish a knitting pattern (I’m talking months here!), so there’s not a huge amount of instant gratification in the process. In order to get through those inevitable slumps, remind yourself why you’re doing this. Are you dreaming of seeing another maker knitting and wearing one of your designs? If so, think of this often and push through the not so fun bits. It will be so worth it in the end!

You’re distracted by your next big idea

Designers who get lots and lots of ideas can struggle with distraction. Whenever they get a new idea, they’re worried that they might forget about it, so to avoid that, they start on it right away. The result is a chronic case of Startitis and a huge pile of DIPs (Designs In Progress) stashed behind the sofa!

If that’s you, I recommend that you find an easy way to track your ideas. It might be a pen and paper, a special sketchbook, a quick swatch or even a voice note on your phone! If you find a reliable and detailed way to track your ideas, you can come back to the idea whenever you’re ready.

You don’t have a plan

As an obsessive planner, I’m a little biased here, but I think a clear plan is the best way to follow through on your ideas. Without one, you’re fumbling around trying to figure out the steps to take as you go along.

It’s always much easier to execute on an idea when you know how you’re going to do it. A plan gives you a step-by-step path to follow to keep you focused and on track.

You’re a perfectionist

This one hits close to home; I can tell you that! Perfection is impossible to achieve, yet the pursuit of it has derailed many creatives. If you continue to push for perfection, you will most certainly get stuck and may never even reach the finish line.

I’ve said this to several of my Sweater Design School students this year: there is no shame in simplifying. Sometimes, it’s just too complex or even impossible to get a design to look exactly how you envisioned it. Find a way of simplifying it that stays true to your creative vision and keep moving forward.

You’re working on too many things at once

I’m not saying you can’t work on multiple projects, however if you’re sitting there wondering why you never finish any of your designs and you're surrounded by 17 DIPs in various stages of completion, that’s probably why!

If you want to follow through and finally publish your knitting pattern designs, you are much better off focusing your time and attention on one (or two, if you must) projects at a time.

You just don’t believe it’s possible

A lack of confidence is one of the biggest things that will stop you from doing anything. Believe me - I say this from experience! If you don’t believe you are capable of designing and publishing your knitting pattern ideas, you are unlikely to even try.

Whilst I know it’s not easy to just switch on your confidence, I want to encourage you that you are absolutely capable of designing knitting patterns. I truly believe that any enthusiastic knitter can design a pattern.

Start somewhere small and simple to build your confidence (a hat or a shawl is ideal!) and take it step by step. Get help where you need it. You’ll be surprised at what you are capable of!

What’s stopping you from following through on your design ideas?

If you struggle to execute on your design ideas, share your experience in the comments section below. I’d love to help you work through it and finally get that pattern published!

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